Wisdom Teachings

Akhus Move Upstream

AnpuONKAO4 Great TruthsDua ra CheftDua Asar http://www.touregypt.net/featurestories/soul.htm Akhu (Akh, Khu, Ikhu) – This was the immortal part, the radiant and shining being that lived on in the Sahu, the intellect, will and intentions of the deceased that transfigured death and ascended to the heavens to live with the gods or the imperishable stars. While the Khat lies in the tomb, ready to be animated by the Ka, the Ba might be…

Springtime Music: March 2022

Ancient African Adorations CONTINUES in 2022! Good Rising and Great Awakenings! Now streaming live on YouTube, tiktok, and various other platforms such as twitter, LinkedIn, telegram, and Melanated People. Soon will be on Pinterest as well. Here is the Schedule for March 2022 plus links and highlights of past transmissions. Currently, the series is following the Neterian Calendar of Holy Days presented by TempleofAmun.com For more information on the Kemetic…

Feast of Ra in his Boat

https://youtu.be/rJk1Pd2buIU Anpu ONKAODua Ra CheftDua Ra Dua Ra Dua Ra KheperaDua Khepera, Dua Ra, Dua Ra TemAdorations to Ra when he rises… pg 28 devotional manual from hymn to Ra #1 pmhThe Twelve Hours of the DuatThe Regions of Night and Thick DarknessWatercourse of RaUr-nes, OuranosWatercourse of the only GodLiving one of formsHiddenAbyss of watersSecret cavernSarcophagus of the godsProcession of imagesAbyss of waters, lofty of banksMouth of the cavernDarkness has…

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