
Save Our Shoal

It has been many moons since a protest song came through me. For the past decade or a bit longer, I have been immersed in Kemetic Spirituality, as a Neterian, one that follows the Neteru, the Cosmic Forces of Nature. This was essential for me to advance further along my healing and spiritual journey. Of course these studies lento an entirely different genre of music to be shared. Which has…

Mid Spring Reggae Music Experience

MAY 17, 2022 UPDATE! This event is Rain for Shine! either Inside the Studio at 9911 S. Walden Pkwy in Beverly, OR, if it is Sunshiney and Warm, we will be Outside at the Yard at Tranquility Salon 9908 S. Walden Pkwy in Beverly! RAIN OR SHINE, WE WILL HAVE A GREAT TIME! Bring chairs, bring refreshments, bring good vibez…. Sprinquinox was indeed a success. Now it is time to…

Light Being Wellness Music Night at the Haji

Milky Way RECORDS AND PRODUCTIONS PRESS RELEASE JANUARY 22. 2019 Be sure to mark your calendar for FEBRUARY 23, 2019 for a night of Live SPIRITUAL Music. A Night of LIVE Music that is Created to Raise Awareness, Raise Vibrations, Promote Wellness, and Lead Us All to Enlightenment. Original Organic Music.     The Evening begins with Ancient African Adorations, Devotional World Music from Kemet. Based on Scriptures and Teachings from…

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