
Sirius Culmination

Dua Sopdu Uben Nefer! Please check out these earlier Sirius Posts about the Sirius Star System, Sirius Musical Goddess Page and the Sirius Viewing Guide…There are a few other posts about Sirius, waiting for you at Sirius Rising at tchiya.comSirius Rising and Dog Days of SummerSirius Rising 2014Blue Lotus Speaks: Sirius Culmination 2015 Reflections on 30 Years of Living with Trauma and Assault( I need to re-upload many of…

Sirius Alignment: Sirius, Venus and Moon in a Triangle! Sept. 7, 2015

Good Rising. Great Awakenings! Uben Nefer. Nehast! Sirius Alignment: Sirius, Venus and Moon in a Triangle! Today’s Rising was most wonderful for me personally. I so enjoy getting up early to watch Sirius as She rises, and these past few days, have been spectacular. Here are a few photos that I took, plus some video clips from the past couple of days…. Venus to left, Sirius to the right, Moon…

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