New Year

Pautti Neteru

Uben Nefer Nehast Good Rising Great Awakenings Grateful to announce the release of a new musical collection in honor of the Kemetic New Year, 38,789 and Sirius Rising 7-13: Birthday of Ra 7-14: Birthday of Asar 7-15: Birthday of Heru Ur 7-16: Birthday of Set 7-17: Birthday of Aset 7-18: Birthday of NebtHet 7-19: Birthday of Sopdet (HeliacalRising of Sirius) 7-20: Kemetic New Year will post links as songs are…

Song of Set 38,787

Set 38,787 Notes taken  from Egyptian Yoga Vol. 2 by Dr. Muata Ashby excerpts shared on July 16, 2020 for the Birth of Set In the Neterian Tradition, there is no DevilWe have a different understanding of what is evil Adversity arises from unrighteousnessUnrighteous actions come from Set Egoism comes from identifying with body and mind as who one isWithout deeper awareness of connection to All that Is When Ego…

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