
Sirius Alignment: Sirius, Venus and Moon in a Triangle! Sept. 7, 2015

Good Rising. Great Awakenings! Uben Nefer. Nehast! Sirius Alignment: Sirius, Venus and Moon in a Triangle! Today’s Rising was most wonderful for me personally. I so enjoy getting up early to watch Sirius as She rises, and these past few days, have been spectacular. Here are a few photos that I took, plus some video clips from the past couple of days…. Venus to left, Sirius to the right, Moon…

Ra Set Sesheta: Sun AND New Moon move into Sidereal Aries APRIL 19!!!

HeruScopes© Forecast for this powerful Ra Sesheta Set, April 19, 2015 Aries Sidereal New Moon This is actually the True SIDEREAL New Year. There are so many new years, but this is the one that is based on when the Sun is in Sidereal Aries, and the Moon moves into Sidereal Aries as well. In the Vedic Tradition, this happened last week, on April 12. The reason for this difference…

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