
Pautti Neteru

Uben Nefer Nehast Good Rising Great Awakenings Grateful to announce the release of a new musical collection in honor of the Kemetic New Year, 38,789 and Sirius Rising 7-13: Birthday of Ra 7-14: Birthday of Asar 7-15: Birthday of Heru Ur 7-16: Birthday of Set 7-17: Birthday of Aset 7-18: Birthday of NebtHet 7-19: Birthday of Sopdet (HeliacalRising of Sirius) 7-20: Kemetic New Year will post links as songs are…

Mid Spring Reggae Music Experience

MAY 17, 2022 UPDATE! This event is Rain for Shine! either Inside the Studio at 9911 S. Walden Pkwy in Beverly, OR, if it is Sunshiney and Warm, we will be Outside at the Yard at Tranquility Salon 9908 S. Walden Pkwy in Beverly! RAIN OR SHINE, WE WILL HAVE A GREAT TIME! Bring chairs, bring refreshments, bring good vibez…. Sprinquinox was indeed a success. Now it is time to…

The Breath Concert 2022

Watch Live here or catch the replay… March 27, 2020 was the first presentation of the Breath Concert. We will revisit this on April 10, 2022 at 8pm ct. Here are my notes and resources. Hotep Open the ways…Offering Prayer AnpuONKAO Dua Ra Chef Uben F em aket abdet ent PetAnetej Ra-k iti em KheperaKhepera qema neteruCha-k-uben-k psd Mut-kCha ti em suten neteruIri -nek-mut Nut aiui -em iri niniManu em…

Akhus Move Upstream

AnpuONKAO4 Great TruthsDua ra CheftDua Asar Akhu (Akh, Khu, Ikhu) – This was the immortal part, the radiant and shining being that lived on in the Sahu, the intellect, will and intentions of the deceased that transfigured death and ascended to the heavens to live with the gods or the imperishable stars. While the Khat lies in the tomb, ready to be animated by the Ka, the Ba might be…

Sekhmet Ends the World

Opening Offerings Anpu OfferingsONKAONeberdjerDua Sekhmet Dua AsetDua Sekhmet, Dua SekhmetDua Sekhmet Dua NetOrder in My… Sefech Ba Ra was the daughter of the sun god, Ra, and was among the more important of the goddesses who acted as the vengeful manifestation of Ra’s power, the Eye of Ra. Sekhmet was said to breathe fire, and the hot winds of the desert were likened to her breath. She was also believed to…

Springtime Music: March 2022

Ancient African Adorations CONTINUES in 2022! Good Rising and Great Awakenings! Now streaming live on YouTube, tiktok, and various other platforms such as twitter, LinkedIn, telegram, and Melanated People. Soon will be on Pinterest as well. Here is the Schedule for March 2022 plus links and highlights of past transmissions. Currently, the series is following the Neterian Calendar of Holy Days presented by For more information on the Kemetic…

Musical Initiatic Journey to Kemet: Ancient African Adorations

    Udja. Uben Nefer Nehast Next stop on this Journey; THE INITIATION. A trip is planned for October. The Initiate will study some of the sites that contain wisdom about Musicians. She will present a concert on the Nile. And she will attend the Celestial Event on October 22 when the Sun shines on Ramses for 22 minutes. This blog post is about the preparations and research for this…

Summer WELLNESS with Kemetic Healing Science at the DOJO June 25!

Summer WELLNESS with Kemetic Healing Science at the DOJO June 25! Children of the SUN Summer Solstice Gathering. Today is June 24, 2017 Join us on one of the longest days of the year honoring the Summer Solstice, as we explore several aspects of Energetic Healing Therapies from Ancient Kemet (Indigenous African Egypt). You will learn about Energy Healing, Meditation, Sacred Chants, Sound Healing, Yoga, Live and Natural Foods, PLUS…

KemeTones Offerings, Services and Packages

Welcome to KemeTones Offerings, Services and Packages!   Now that you have taken the time to learn more about KemeTones, the time has come to decide what package is best for you! Of course, you can still choose to receive a Cosmic Sound Healing instead. Review these options here!   KemeTones draws on the Culture of Kemet (Ancient African Egyptian) Culture, Myths, Spirituality, and Archetypes for Healing Practices and Purposes.…

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