egyptian yoga

Light Being Wellness Music Night at the Haji

Milky Way RECORDS AND PRODUCTIONS PRESS RELEASE JANUARY 22. 2019 Be sure to mark your calendar for FEBRUARY 23, 2019 for a night of Live SPIRITUAL Music. A Night of LIVE Music that is Created to Raise Awareness, Raise Vibrations, Promote Wellness, and Lead Us All to Enlightenment. Original Organic Music.     The Evening begins with Ancient African Adorations, Devotional World Music from Kemet. Based on Scriptures and Teachings from…

Hurricane Reggae Band set to Replace DubDis performing with Tchiya Amet & Lenni I at the DoJo June 25

Hurricane Reggae Band set to Replace DubDis performing with Tchiya Amet & Lenni I at the DoJo June 25 Press Release: June 10, 2017   Tchiya will be performing her traditional “Reggae Jazz Fusion” show, but will also be performing a second show: a rare performance of her “Ancient Egyptian Fusion Reggae” music at DoJo. The shows will also feature Jamaica’s own Lenni I and De Hurricane Reggae Band from…

Hall of Maat

Hall of Maat This Hall of Maat is an Online Offering of My Devotion to the Goddess Maat. This Hall was constructed on November 2, the Second Day of the Ancestors, the Third  Day of Maat in the Year 2015. Your presence here means that you are ready to have your heart touched by the Feather of Maat. Feel the soft gentle coolness of this Feather gently  caressing your aura,…

Promote Purity of Speech with this Kemetic Reggae Devotional Chant to the Goddess Day #29

Promote Purity of Speech with this Kemetic Reggae Devotional Chant to the Goddess Day #29 of the FREE MY MUSIC GIVE AWAY!!!     The ritual of uttering the names of the goddess promotes purity of the speech. This purity was known as maakheru in Ancient Egyptian terminology. Maakheru is the primary objective of every spiritual aspirant. The names may be recited, chanted or used in song. The art of…

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