Devotional World Music

Ancient African Adorations: ONLINE CONCERTS 2020!

The evolution and spiritual awakening of Tchiya Amet is reflected in her Music. The most recent development has been a spiritual reconnection to Kemet, the remembrance of Her Divinity and relationship with the Higher Self. This Music has become a vehicle to carry her and all who listen onwards, to Nehast, Enlightenment, the Great Spiritual Awakening. Hotep!

Light Being Wellness Spring Concert May 19, 2019

Join us for an afternoon of Live Music during the Merry Month of May, with Chanting, Singing, Spiritual Teachings, Reflection, Sound Healing, and plenty of room for Dancing. We begin with Ancient African Adorations featuring Chanting and  Music based on Kemetic (Ancient African Egyptian) Teachings. Songs of Devotion, Songs for Transformation. Songs for Healing, and Songs for Purification. Presented by Arit Neter S Mery Maati (aka Tchiya Amet). KemeTones Cosmic…

Light Being Wellness Music Night at the Haji

Milky Way RECORDS AND PRODUCTIONS PRESS RELEASE JANUARY 22. 2019 Be sure to mark your calendar for FEBRUARY 23, 2019 for a night of Live SPIRITUAL Music. A Night of LIVE Music that is Created to Raise Awareness, Raise Vibrations, Promote Wellness, and Lead Us All to Enlightenment. Original Organic Music.     The Evening begins with Ancient African Adorations, Devotional World Music from Kemet. Based on Scriptures and Teachings from…

Native American Music Awards NAMMYS 2018

Milky Way Records and Productions is grateful and honored to announce that Tchiya Amet is a FINALIST for NAMMY Award for Female Artist of the Year Category 5 and that CELESTIAL FOLK MUSIC is a FINALIST for the NAMMY Award: Best Folk Album of the Year Category 12 LISTEN TO NO KWI SI IGA (STAR DAYS) at the NAMA site. FROM THE NAMA WEBSITE: The Native American Music Association, a 501(c(3) was…

Standing Rock Medicine Wheel Summer Solstice

Good Rising and Great Awakenings. Greetings. OSIYO.   Standing Rock Medicine Wheel Living Park is hosting the first Summer Solstice Celebration June 22-24. They invited Tchiya Amet and Band to bring Native Reggae to the event. When I first learned of the event, I figured it was a fundraiser for Standing Rock. But, it is not like you are probably thinking. Beth and Robert White Mountain are Lakota People with…

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