
What is Reggae Wellness? pt. 1

UPFUL RISING!!! Previously, we explored the meaning of Wellness. Today, we begin to explore the meaning of REGGAE WELLNESS. Reggae Wellness is a movement that once activated, has the potential to NEVER END. How can REGGAE WELLNESS be activated? One person at a time, one family at a time, one neighborhood at a time, one community at a time, one nation at a a time, then the entire planet can…

New Moon is ABUNDANCE at tchiya.com!

New Moon is ABUNDANCE at tchiya.com! Welcome to the Page of the New Moon at tchiya.com Here are all of the tools in my mystical collection of manifestation Not in any particular order of importance, just as they are flowing through me from the Goddess…. New Moon Meditation Music from Llewllyn The Goddess of the Moon at HeruScopes is Sesheta. Dua Sesheta! from the Goddess Book by Dr. Muata Ashby…

New Moon is ABUNDANCE at tchiya.com!

New Moon is ABUNDANCE at tchiya.com! Welcome to the Page of the New Moon at tchiya.com Here are all of the tools in my mystical collection of manifestation Not in any particular order of importance, just as they are flowing through me from the Goddess…. New Moon Meditation Music from Llewllyn The Goddess of the Moon at HeruScopes is Sesheta. Dua Sesheta! from the Goddess Book by Dr. Muata Ashby…

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