Sirius Culmination

Dua Sopdu Uben Nefer!

Please check out these earlier Sirius Posts about the Sirius Star System, Sirius Musical Goddess Page and the Sirius Viewing Guide…There are a few other posts about Sirius, waiting for you at

Sirius Rising at
Sirius Rising and Dog Days of Summer
Sirius Rising 2014
Blue Lotus Speaks: Sirius Culmination 2015 Reflections on 30 Years of Living with Trauma and Assault
( I need to re-upload many of the images from these older posts….apologies.)

Then join me on Saturday December 31st at 11pm CT. After the Music/Ritual, go outside at Midnight for a breathtaking experience. Or, if you live on the East Coast, follow the instructions in the Viewing Guide, starting at 11pm ET, then step outside and listen to the music while you are viewing the Sirius Culmination! If you live on the West Coast, you will be very well prepared for your Midnight Observance…

Spot Sirius in the New Year Sky

Simply step outdoors on New Year’s Eve as local midnight approaches, then look toward the south and you’ll easily see the brightest star, Sirius, which is also known as the “Dog Star” or “New Year Star.”

This year, the Moon won’t interfere at all, as the thin, waning crescent drifts below the horizon before sunset on New Year’s Eve.

Sirius stands at its very highest around midnight on New Year’s Eve. How high up it floats depends on your location; the more south you are located, the higher in the sky Sirius will appear.

  • From most of the United States, Sirius will be about one third of the way up the sky from the horizon. From the southernmost places, like Miami, Florida, it’s about half way up the sky. From Canada and most of Europe, it will appear quite low.
  • If you do live in southern Florida or Texas, look below the dog star. Just 10° above the horizon stands Canopus, the sky’s second brightest star. Canopus is invisible from the rest of the U.S.and also never rises for people in Europe and Canada. But for those far, far south, it clears the horizon and, like the Dog Star, stands highest at midnight just as the year begins.

If you look for the sky’s brightest star, and are still not sure, here’s a can’t-miss solution:

  • Just look for the most recognizable constellation, Orion. Now look for the three stars of Orion’s belt. Follow the angle of the belt downward as it points toward bright Sirius.

Canopus? As in Canopic Jar? Hmmmmm….


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