Dua Aset

Uben Nefer! Here you shall find Musical things related to Goddess Aset. Lyrics Video from 2022 This song is for the observance of the Birth of Aset during the Celebration of the Kemetic new Year, this year is 38,787! Aset and her twin sis her NebtHet have headdresses that are inversions ofd each other, and so, the two new songs for today have harp parts that are inversions of each…

Pautti Neteru

Uben Nefer Nehast Good Rising Great Awakenings Grateful to announce the release of a new musical collection in honor of the Kemetic New Year, 38,789 and Sirius Rising 7-13: Birthday of Ra 7-14: Birthday of Asar 7-15: Birthday of Heru Ur 7-16: Birthday of Set 7-17: Birthday of Aset 7-18: Birthday of NebtHet 7-19: Birthday of Sopdet (HeliacalRising of Sirius) 7-20: Kemetic New Year will post links as songs are…

Djehuty Brings Back TefNut/Sekhmet

Uben Nefer! Beautiful Rising. May 14 in the Neterian Calendar of Holy Days: Djehuty brings back Sekhmet. Back to Kemet, and back to her Divinity. Opening Prayers:Offerings to AnpuO Anpu Opener of the Ways4 Great Truths of Shetaut NeterONKAO Dua DjehutyDua Hetheru Neteritah, Sekimadua Sekhmet, Dua NetDua Sekhmet, Dua AsetBe Enlightened: Dua Sekhmet Pillars of ra: Festivals of Ancient Egypt https://books.google.com/books?id=MpJRAwAAQBAJ&pg=PA131&lpg=PA131&dq=djehuty+brings+back+sekhmet&source=bl&ots=8QPOEhLFOC&sig=ACfU3U0SbOX4tr7YYm2BnN9Gh40f1Pr7lg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjT0b669N73AhVJFTQIHQFcBEgQ6AF6BAgOEAM#v=onepage&q=djehuty%20brings%20back%20sekhmet&f=false Who is TefNut/SekhmetTree of Life pg 94: Sekhmet is…

Ancient African Adorations for May

Uben Nefer. I am so grateful that the Idea popped into my mind about how to schedule these concerts. The “normal” method of time and space e, growing weaker each year, doing the same things at the same time of day, day of week, was well. slowly draining me. Now that my life is centered around the Solar Sidereal calendar, the Sirius Sidereal calendar, the Lunar calendar, the Galactic Calendar,…

Mid Spring Reggae Music Experience

MAY 17, 2022 UPDATE! This event is Rain for Shine! either Inside the Studio at 9911 S. Walden Pkwy in Beverly, OR, if it is Sunshiney and Warm, we will be Outside at the Yard at Tranquility Salon 9908 S. Walden Pkwy in Beverly! RAIN OR SHINE, WE WILL HAVE A GREAT TIME! Bring chairs, bring refreshments, bring good vibez…. Sprinquinox was indeed a success. Now it is time to…

Feast of Uadjit 4-21

Opening PrayerAnpu, Opener of the Ways4 Great TruthsONKAODua Ra CheftDua Asar Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wadjethttp://www.egyptianmyths.net/buto.htmhttps://ancientegyptonline.co.uk/wadjet/ Speech of AsetSpeech of NebthetMaati hekau Egyptian Proverbs pg 116: Breathing Exercise African religions vol 4 Asarian resurrectionpg 216 PMHpg  assisted with birth of Herupg 90pg 185: verse 43-44Gloss verse 22 pg 190; pg 192pg 256, gloss for chapter 25 vs 1-3chapter 27, pg 276pg 288 vs 43-4743. I Am Going forth by day in the presence of…

Festivity of Ra & His Followers

Opening PrayerAnpu Opener for the Ways4 Great TruthsONKAOKnow NeberdjerDua Ra CheftDua Ra Dua Ra Dua Ra KheperaDua Khepera Dua Ra Dua Ra TemNeter NetertyTa Mi RaChildren of Ra CHORUS: We are the Children of Ra Children of Creation RA is the Source of Life And we are His Children  Un Mesu Ra Mesu Khepera Ra Ankh Ra Un Mesu Ra  VERSE 1: Ra knew we would forget Him, And this made him cry We are born from his tears of…

The Breath Concert 2022

Watch Live here or catch the replay… March 27, 2020 was the first presentation of the Breath Concert. We will revisit this on April 10, 2022 at 8pm ct. Here are my notes and resources. Hotep Open the ways…Offering Prayer AnpuONKAO Dua Ra Chef Uben F em aket abdet ent PetAnetej Ra-k iti em KheperaKhepera qema neteruCha-k-uben-k psd Mut-kCha ti em suten neteruIri -nek-mut Nut aiui -em iri niniManu em…

Joy of Pauti

Udja! Watch live or catch replay right here! Welcome to Ancient African Adorations for April 2: the Joy of the Pauti of Anunian Gods & Goddesses Opening PrayerAnpuONKAO4 Great TruthsKnow NeberdjerDua Ra CheftDua Asar https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ennead According to the creation story of the Heliopolitan priests, the world originally consisted of the primordial waters of precreation personified as Nun.[1] From it arose a mound on the First Occasion.[1] Upon the mound sat the self-begotten god Atum, who was…

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