Press Updates

Save Our Shoal

It has been many moons since a protest song came through me. For the past decade or a bit longer, I have been immersed in Kemetic Spirituality, as a Neterian, one that follows the Neteru, the Cosmic Forces of Nature. This was essential for me to advance further along my healing and spiritual journey. Of course these studies lento an entirely different genre of music to be shared. Which has…


Divine Holy Day: HeruKuti May 27, 2023 The Beginning of this Series of Cosmic Adorations: Divine Holy Days   This wonderful idea was suggested to me by Sister Lola La Bruja. Here are my notes and the livestream video. It is my intention to have the reports prepared before the Offering so that people can sing along. This will be the subscription. The reports will be made available for everyone…

Sirius Culmination

Dua Sopdu Uben Nefer! Please check out these earlier Sirius Posts about the Sirius Star System, Sirius Musical Goddess Page and the Sirius Viewing Guide…There are a few other posts about Sirius, waiting for you at Sirius Rising at tchiya.comSirius Rising and Dog Days of SummerSirius Rising 2014Blue Lotus Speaks: Sirius Culmination 2015 Reflections on 30 Years of Living with Trauma and Assault( I need to re-upload many of…

Mid-Winter Reggae Music Experience

Good Rising! We continue to move along the Spiral Dance, the Wheel of the Year, with Original Reggae/Jazz Fusion & World Music. The next concert will be Sunday January 29 from 7-9pm. The Middle of Winter is known as Imbolic or Brigid to the Indigenous People of the North. Later on, the Church adapted this “Pagan” Holy day, and called it Candlemas. To the East, this the time of the…

Mid-Fall Reggae Music Experience

Exciting News! We are now teaming up with DJ Microphone Bill for REGGAE DAY at the Katalyst! Every Third Saturday, join us for an afternoon of Great Reggae Music! 2-4pm Arit Tchiya Amet & Band with Original Reggae, Live and Livestream! 4-7pm with DJ Microphone Bill spinning Classic Reggae Hits! One of the great benefits of attending these events goes beyond the Music: it is meeting the people, forming a…


#Chicagohenge 2022! ⠀ Yes Fall Equinox was last night 9/22/22  at 8:05pm ct. the dates & times change every year, however always falls somewhere between the 19th & the 24th. Lasting 3 days, the day & time you see always refers to the Middle Day. ⠀ What IS the Equinox? According to “the time or date (twice each year) at which the sun crosses the celestial equator, when day…

Fall Equinox Reggae Music Experience

Sunday September 25 from 2-5 at The Katalyst13257 South Baltimore Chicago, IL 773-406-4899 We are very excited to be playing at this venue. This could be our new musical home… Were you Aware of Chicagohenge? It is like Stonehenge, except that the alignment takes place in Chicago! from, half- man-made, Chicagohenge refers to the phenomenon that occurs twice a year during the spring and fall equinoxes (the official start…

African Festival of the Arts

We are so grateful to announce that Tchiya Amet and Band will be performing at the African festival of the Arts on the World Music Stage Saturday 9-3 at around 3pm. Looking forward to seeing you there! African Festival of the Arts Open Date: Fri, Sep 02, 2022 Close Date: Mon, Sep 05, 2022 Add this event to your itinerary. Description: Since 1989. This event is the flagship of…

Dua Aset

Uben Nefer! Here you shall find Musical things related to Goddess Aset. Lyrics Video from 2022 This song is for the observance of the Birth of Aset during the Celebration of the Kemetic new Year, this year is 38,787! Aset and her twin sis her NebtHet have headdresses that are inversions ofd each other, and so, the two new songs for today have harp parts that are inversions of each…

Pautti Neteru

Uben Nefer Nehast Good Rising Great Awakenings Grateful to announce the release of a new musical collection in honor of the Kemetic New Year, 38,789 and Sirius Rising 7-13: Birthday of Ra 7-14: Birthday of Asar 7-15: Birthday of Heru Ur 7-16: Birthday of Set 7-17: Birthday of Aset 7-18: Birthday of NebtHet 7-19: Birthday of Sopdet (HeliacalRising of Sirius) 7-20: Kemetic New Year will post links as songs are…

Ancient African Adorations for May

Uben Nefer. I am so grateful that the Idea popped into my mind about how to schedule these concerts. The “normal” method of time and space e, growing weaker each year, doing the same things at the same time of day, day of week, was well. slowly draining me. Now that my life is centered around the Solar Sidereal calendar, the Sirius Sidereal calendar, the Lunar calendar, the Galactic Calendar,…

The Breath Concert 2022

Watch Live here or catch the replay… March 27, 2020 was the first presentation of the Breath Concert. We will revisit this on April 10, 2022 at 8pm ct. Here are my notes and resources. Hotep Open the ways…Offering Prayer AnpuONKAO Dua Ra Chef Uben F em aket abdet ent PetAnetej Ra-k iti em KheperaKhepera qema neteruCha-k-uben-k psd Mut-kCha ti em suten neteruIri -nek-mut Nut aiui -em iri niniManu em…

Joy of Pauti

Udja! Watch live or catch replay right here! Welcome to Ancient African Adorations for April 2: the Joy of the Pauti of Anunian Gods & Goddesses Opening PrayerAnpuONKAO4 Great TruthsKnow NeberdjerDua Ra CheftDua Asar According to the creation story of the Heliopolitan priests, the world originally consisted of the primordial waters of precreation personified as Nun.[1] From it arose a mound on the First Occasion.[1] Upon the mound sat the self-begotten god Atum, who was…

Akhus Move Upstream

AnpuONKAO4 Great TruthsDua ra CheftDua Asar Akhu (Akh, Khu, Ikhu) – This was the immortal part, the radiant and shining being that lived on in the Sahu, the intellect, will and intentions of the deceased that transfigured death and ascended to the heavens to live with the gods or the imperishable stars. While the Khat lies in the tomb, ready to be animated by the Ka, the Ba might be…

Sprinquinox 2022

Good Rising Great Awakenings. I cannot believe that I was yesterday years young when I heard about Sprinquinox. It has been many moons since the days of performing live in person with a band. Join us for this Unique Spring Equinox Reggae Music experience. March 21st 7-10pmSuggested Donation is $11…. We are so grateful to announce that this event can be enjoyed in one of 2 ways: at the Joplin…

Feast of Ra in his Boat Anpu ONKAODua Ra CheftDua Ra Dua Ra Dua Ra KheperaDua Khepera, Dua Ra, Dua Ra TemAdorations to Ra when he rises… pg 28 devotional manual from hymn to Ra #1 pmhThe Twelve Hours of the DuatThe Regions of Night and Thick DarknessWatercourse of RaUr-nes, OuranosWatercourse of the only GodLiving one of formsHiddenAbyss of watersSecret cavernSarcophagus of the godsProcession of imagesAbyss of waters, lofty of banksMouth of the cavernDarkness has…

Day of Nut

Ancient African Adorations Musical Offerings and Wisdom Teachings for Goddess Nut. February 26 is the Day of Nut according to the Neterian Calendar of Holy Days presented by TemoleOfAmun.comIn this series, Musical Offerings of Wisdom teachings are shared in alignment with the Holy Days. ONKAO dua Asar un nefer Neterah mph vol 1 pg 153 hymn to Asar4 Great TruthsDua Nut Muta RaChapter 19ProtectionDua Nut Dua Geb Dua Shu Wisdom…

Al Minya and the Blind Harpist

Udja. Welcome to Al Minya! Al Minya has a site with an image of the Blind Harpist, so we absolutely had to go there. Because this is a Musical Initiatic Journey. I had never heard of this place before. My first visit was in 2018, then again in 2020.  .We spent the entire day there both times, visiting many different sites and locations that were completely mind-blowing, everything happened so…

Two Roads OFFICIAL Music Video

Grand Rising Great Awakenings. ⠀ Without further ado, The OFFICIAL Two Roads Music Video is now available on the Tchiya Amet VEVO youtube Channel! ⠀ Of course it would be released during Mercury Retro and, BLACK HISTORY MONTH!!!! it was actually released on other platforms on January 18, however for some reason, the Universe conspired to release on youtube yesterday….on February 4!!!! The Lyrics of the song Two Roads are…

Song of Set 38,787

Set 38,787 Notes taken  from Egyptian Yoga Vol. 2 by Dr. Muata Ashby excerpts shared on July 16, 2020 for the Birth of Set In the Neterian Tradition, there is no DevilWe have a different understanding of what is evil Adversity arises from unrighteousnessUnrighteous actions come from Set Egoism comes from identifying with body and mind as who one isWithout deeper awareness of connection to All that Is When Ego…

Musical Initiatic Journey to Kemet: Ancient African Adorations

    Udja. Uben Nefer Nehast Next stop on this Journey; THE INITIATION. A trip is planned for October. The Initiate will study some of the sites that contain wisdom about Musicians. She will present a concert on the Nile. And she will attend the Celestial Event on October 22 when the Sun shines on Ramses for 22 minutes. This blog post is about the preparations and research for this…


KemeTones: BONE WELLNESS Healing from Injury, and Good Maintenance   Dem Bonez Dem Bonez! DRY BONES! I would say that 40% of clients that I see at special events and festivals  have back problems, slipped disc, broken bones. I usually end up writing down this info, so I decided to create a webpage where I can share findings on  KemeTones: BONE WELLNESS   I always recommend the Bone Tea and…

NeferTem and Herumakhet

Cosmic Adorations: Divine Holy Day: Tuesday Jun 6 2023 Kpekhan 29 422 Live transmission at 6:30am CTDekan Henetw GerwNeteru: Nefertoum & HerumakhiFrom the Kemetic Sirius Sidereal Calendar from also available as an app.   This series is newly erenamed Cosmic Adorations because we are now following Sirius and the Sacred Hoop instead of outdated historical calendars. On this page you will find my notes, translations, prayer manual, links, resources,…

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