Divine Holy Day: HeruKuti

May 27, 2023

The Beginning of this Series of Cosmic Adorations: Divine Holy Days


This wonderful idea was suggested to me by Sister Lola La Bruja.

Here are my notes and the livestream video. It is my intention to have the reports prepared before the Offering so that people can sing along. This will be the subscription. The reports will be made available for everyone after the Offering has been made.

Here is the link to the replay…



Law of HeruKhuti

Know that God neither punishes nor rewards nor protects, that you will have the comfort of controlling these for yourself.

Nuk HeruKhuti
HeruKhuti before me,
HeruKhuti at my right hand,
HeruKhuti behind me,
HeruKhuti at my left hand.
HeruKhuti within me,
HeruKhuti help me speak truth.”



HeruKhuti (Ra Initiation)

Herukhuti is the faculty of the spirit that houses man’s talents for analytical thinking, entrepreneurship, courageous behavior, leadership, pioneering, risk taking and for manifesting a healthy immune system (physical and psychical).

The initiation teachings will enable you to awaken, develop and/or achieve a balanced expression of these traits and talents. 



Maat is the faculty of the spirit that is most directly involved in man’s success in life.  Living the law of Maat (along with observing the other 10), especially brings the presence of Neb er Tcher (the Supreme Being) into our minds, spirit and body, which allows us to be directly guided by God in all of our endeavors.  The Maat stage of initiation will lead you to the realization of establishing this active union with God.


Herukhuti (Ausarian Initiation) 

Herukhuti is the faculty of the spirit that is responsible for man’s ability to immediately eliminate negative behavior, and to secure divine protection from the ignorant and evil acts of others no matter how powerful the opponent may be.

@Regran_ed from @ausarausetcanada – Herukhuti is the divine principle that safeguards our existence from injustices and undue hardships in the world. This is achieved NOT by seeking revenge or destruction toward anything that appears to threaten our interests; but instead by re-establishing the laws of MAAT in our every day lives. Divine protection and justice therefore are earned by cultivating peace, balance, harmony and restoring God’s order in our lives. This does not happen by osmosis. It is daily work! It requires discipline and consistency in living the divine laws. It mandates that we identify and remove all that interferes with our focus on living divine truth.  The Herukhuti cycle calls on us to awaken and bring forward the divine warror that lives in all of us. Without question – the time is now! – #regrann

#Herukhuti #Justice #protection #aries #scorpio #mars #metuneter #kamit #kemet #khamit #Kamiticspiritualscience #africanspirituality #africanreligion #meditation #metuneteroracle #spirituality #rainitiation #ausarian #AusarAusetSociety #AusarAusetPA #AusarAuset #aasphilly #aaspa

Tags: regrann herukhuti justice protection aries scorpio mars metuneter kamit kemet khamit kamiticspiritualscience africanspirituality africanreligion meditation metuneteroracle spirituality rainitiation ausarian ausarausetsociety ausarausetpa ausarauset aasphilly aaspa

4 Great Truths
Dua Ra Cheft,
Adorations to Ra when he rises… pg 28 Shetaut Neter prayer book
Hymn to Aton by Akentanten pg 29 prayer book

Tree of Life
Pg 260 Hymn to Aton by Akhenaten

Tree of Life Sebai Maa page 143
We have discussed Heru Akhuti, or Herukuti, as Heru of the two horizons. This is Heru uniting the forms

of Ra, Khepri and Tem, the beginning and the end… the alpha and omega. This is the Heru that unites the duality and reconciles the opposites.

Pg 263 Sphinx Headdress

Pg 263: Leonine nature

Sphinx Pose reflective offering

Pg 264 the Knife

Maat Music
Maat, light as a feather

At the beginning of the Golden Hour, this passage was brought to my attention:
Maat Teachingn #18: Highest Guidance to Assure Success on the Path to Maat
Hymn. To Ra: Heru guardian of the rudder and Djehuty and Maat at his 2 sides
Pgs 148-149 EBD vol 2 Sebai Maa

Maa n-a Heru in ary
Hemu Djehuty Maat
Her aui-f
Seshep n hatu
Im zektet 
Pehuytu im andet
Djehuty men im het uia k
her zee undu cheftau k

Pautti Neteru



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