Dua Ra Cheft
Dua Ra Dua Ra Dua Ra Khepera
Dua Khepera, Dua Ra, Dua Ra Tem
Adorations to Ra when he rises… pg 28 devotional manual from hymn to Ra #1 pmh
The Twelve Hours of the Duat
The Regions of Night and Thick Darkness
Watercourse of Ra
Ur-nes, Ouranos
Watercourse of the only God
Living one of forms
Abyss of waters
Secret cavern
Sarcophagus of the gods
Procession of images
Abyss of waters, lofty of banks
Mouth of the cavern
Darkness has fallen, and births shine forth
The Sun Boat and the Book of the Dead
A hymn to Ra is included in the Papyrus of Ani a Book of the Dead that includes reference to the Matet sun boat and the Sektet sun boat as follows:.
“Hail, thou Disk, thou lord of rays, who risest on the horizon day by day! Shine thou with thy beams of light upon the face of Osiris Ani, who is true of voice; for he singeth hymns of praise unto thee at dawn, and he maketh thee to set at eventide with words of adoration, May the soul of Ani come forth with thee into heaven, may he go forth in the Matet boat, may he come into port in the Sektet boat, and may he cleave his path among the never-resting stars in the heavens.
Here are a few highlights from this text.
The Hours:
At the entrance of every country of the Duat is a gate; tall are the walls, and narrow is the passage. None may pass by him save those only to whom his name is known.
In the evening Ra descends in majesty to the Western horizon of heaven, to the portals of the Duat at the Gap of Abydos. Splendid is the Mesektet Boat, glorious its trappings, and its colours are of amethyst and emerald, jasper and turquoise, lazuli and the lustre of gold. At the Gap of Abydos waits a company of gods to prepare the Boat for the journey through the Duat, the land of night and of thick darkness. Stripped is the Boat of its splendour, bare and without glory is it when it passes through the portals of the Duat, and in it is the body of Ra, lifeless and dead.
“Watercourse of Ra”
In the cabin of the Boat is Ra, dead and lifeless
Ur-nes, Ouranos.
In this country Ra is Lord and King, and those who live here are in peace, for none can pass the great hooded snakes who guard the gates, whose breath is mingled flame and venom. Happy are those who inhabit this land, for here dwell the spirits of the corn, Besa and Nepra and Tepu-yn. These are they who make the wheat and barley to flourish and cause the fruits of the earth to increase.
Watercourse of the only God: Scale of Maat
“the souls of men are not able to participate of the divine nature whilst they are encompassed about with bodies and passions…When they are freed from these impediments and remove into those purer and unseen regions…’tis then that this God becomes their Leader and King; upon him they wholly depend, still beholding without satiety, and still ardently longing after that beauty, which ’tis not possible for man to express or think.”
“Living one of forms”
Sokar has dominion in this land. Dreary is the waste of sand, limitless the desert, gloomy and sombre the landscape.
Men call this place Re-stau, the Mouth of the Tomb. Even in this gloomy desert Osiris has dominion; Lord of Re-stau is he called, therefore
And now the Boat of Ra can no longer float upon the water, but is changed into a great and mighty serpent with glittering scales. At the prow is a serpent’s head with eyes watchful and fierce, at the stern is a serpent’s head with poison-fangs prepared. Over the sand it glides
“Hidden” is the name of the fifth country of the Duat, and in this dark and gloomy region dwells Sokar, its Lord and King, god of those who are buried…
Savage and fierce as a hawk is Sokar, and terrible is the punishment he metes out to those who rebel against him. Hard by his dwelling is a lake where the water boils and bubbles with heat as water boils in a pot. Into the boiling lake are cast the rebels, and they cry to Ra for help, but Ra lies cold and lifeless, waiting for the coming of Khepera, and their cries are unheeded while the Boat passes on its way.
Slowly goes the Boat of Ra, passing through the Duat, through regions of thick darkness, of terror and dismay, to the place where the abominable Apep lies in wait for the coming of Ra.
“Abyss of waters” is the name of the sixth country of the Duat, The river rises out of the sand again, and the Boat floats upon its waters, and those who are in it rejoice, for the hours of the night are passing away.
Here also lives the great coiled serpent with five heads, and within his coils lies Khepera, god of resurrection. On his head he places the scarab, beneath his feet is the sign of flesh; thus does he send Life into the dead, and thus will he re-vivify Ra. For this is the farthest point of the Duat, and beyond the gate lies the way to the sunrise.
“Secret cavern” is the name of the seventh country of the Duat.
Full of danger and peril is it, for the abominable Apep dwells in this land. As a great and monstrous serpent does he appear and with wide-open mouth he swallows the waters of the river, that the Boat may be wrecked and that Ra may perish. Then would the earth belong to the powers of darkness, and evil and wickedness would overcome the gods.
But in the prow of the Boat stands Isis, the great enchantress, whose magic none can withstand; Isis, the greatest of the goddesses, she who can raise the dead, and to whom all mankind pay love and reverence. With arms outstretched, she recites the Words of Power; calling aloud across the dark river. On a sandbank in the midst of the river lies the abominable Apep. hen Selk and Her-desuf leap from the Boat of Ra and bind him with cords, and with sharp knives they pierce his flesh, hoping to destroy him. But Apep is immortal, and every night will he await and attack the Boat of Ra. Yet Selk and Her-desuf hold him fast while the Boat continues on its way, past the great sandbanks, where he writhes and twists and struggles to get free, but the cords are strong and the knives are sharp and his efforts are in vain.
“Sarcophagus of the gods” is the name of the eighth country of the Duat, for here dwell the dead gods. Dead and buried are they, embalmed and bandaged as men embalm and bandage the dead upon earth.
Softly goes the Boat of Ra, passing through the Duat, moving through the darkness to the sunrise and the day.
“Procession of images” is the name of the ninth country of the Duat.
From them the dwellers in this land receive the offerings which are made to them upon the earth. Then the star-gods break into singing; and the twelve goddesses and the weaving gods and the dwellers in this land chant the glory and honour of Ra, praising the Lord of the Boat, the Maker of earth and of heaven. With joy and singing they follow the appointed path.
“Abyss of waters, lofty of banks” is the name of the tenth country of the Duat, and the ruler is Ra. By the side of the river are four goddesses; upon the darkness they cast beams of light, making bright the way of Ra upon the gloomy river. Before the Boat of Ra moves the Star of Morning…The greatest of all the countries of the Duat is this, for in this realm of wonder and mystery Khepera joins himself to Ra, and Ra himself is created anew. Yet the dead body of Ra remains in the Boat; but his soul is united to the soul of Khepera.
“Mouth of the cavern” is the name of the eleventh country of the Duat, and Ra is its ruler.
“Darkness has fallen, and births shine forth” is the name of the twelfth country of the Duat. On the prow of the Boat is the great scarab of Khepera, ready to make the transformations of Ra ere he reaches the end of the Duat.
TOL pg 22
pg 157
pg 183 Aset
pg 219-220 outcomes of journey
pg 223
pg 245
pg 246 Hymn to Ra
pg 248: Principles of then Hymn to Ra
African religion Vol4: Asian Resurrection
pg 68 A Hymn to ra vs 1, vs 2
pg 73; Maat pedestal
pg 100 vs 45-46 Aset stops the Boat
pg 126 vs 142-143: Ra is tired of the battle between Heru and Set and takes a nap.
Who is on the Boat?
pg 113 Sailing in a Boat (?)
pg 143 who is on the boat
pg 201 movement of boat starts creation
pg 73 Boat of Ra
pg 76
pg 119 mysticism of the boat ride
Chapter 1 pg 157
pmh Vol 5: Temple of Amun Ra pg 221
Divine Boat
African Religion vol. 2 Theban Theology pg 219
Yhe Voyage of Ra and the Journey of the Soul
Maat Teaching #4: Course of Ra centered and non-dual established by Maat chap 15.
Vol 2 PMH Dr. Ashby pg 108
Aaaa Asar Any
Sheps maa-kheru im hetep
maa-kheru djesef
Anetej her k
uben k
im akhet k
im Ra hetep
her Maat
Closing chant: Sailing to Eternity
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