Devotional World Music

This is the most authentic way to describe this music. spanning several rhythms, cultures and themes. Always roots, always original. Beginning with Reggae, Rise Again Truth. Then, Black Native Reggae, in particular. Black Turtle Island was the Sound. Next came Celestial Reggae in Scope. From TeleScope to HerScopes, this music was there. With Celestial Folk Music, the World was embraced from a studio in Brasil. The Dub album arrived just in time to remind us of a simpler time. However, had already moved ahead to the past, forward to Kemet, with no limit. Really, back to the start, when Sun Ra was living in my in heart. When Space is the Place, it is no longer about Race. It’s about the Vibration that Wins when carried and hummed from Within.


Milky Way Records and Productions: Festivals and Special Events

Tchiya Amet: Original Reggae-Fusion-Jazz

Medicine Wheel Music: Native Reggae and Songs from a Turtle Island Medicine Woman

Celestial Folk Music: Songs, Legends, Myths and Culture about the Stars, the Galaxy, Sirius etc

Ancient African Adorations: Music, Singing and Chanting from Ancient Kemet
presented by Chantress Arit Neter S Mery Maati.


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