New Misoc

Song of Set 38,787

Set 38,787 Notes taken  from Egyptian Yoga Vol. 2 by Dr. Muata Ashby excerpts shared on July 16, 2020 for the Birth of Set In the Neterian Tradition, there is no DevilWe have a different understanding of what is evil Adversity arises from unrighteousnessUnrighteous actions come from Set Egoism comes from identifying with body and mind as who one isWithout deeper awareness of connection to All that Is When Ego…

Light Being Wellness Spring Concert May 19, 2019

Join us for an afternoon of Live Music during the Merry Month of May, with Chanting, Singing, Spiritual Teachings, Reflection, Sound Healing, and plenty of room for Dancing. We begin with Ancient African Adorations featuring Chanting and  Music based on Kemetic (Ancient African Egyptian) Teachings. Songs of Devotion, Songs for Transformation. Songs for Healing, and Songs for Purification. Presented by Arit Neter S Mery Maati (aka Tchiya Amet). KemeTones Cosmic…

A second show has been added to Tchiya Amet’s (Jazz Fusion Reggae Artist) Performance June 25, 2017 in Chicago, IL.

A second show has been added to Tchiya Amet’s (Jazz Fusion Reggae Artist) Performance June 25, 2017 in Chicago, IL. Press Release, May, 24, 2017 A second show has been added to Tchiya Amet’s (Jazz Fusion Reggae Artist), June 25, 2017 Chicago, IL. Date. The Children of the Sun Summer Solstice Spectacular at the Dojo In Pilsen: 2304 S. Blue Island Ave. will feature her Reggae Jazz Fusion Selection, WITH…

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