
Feather of Maat is Here to Purify Our Lives: Sun in Sidereal Libra Day 3.

Feather of Maat is Here to Purify Our Lives: Sun in Sidereal Libra Day 3.   Uben Nefer. Nehast. Good Rising and Great Awakenings. Welcome to the HeruScopes Forecast for November 1, 2015 I am sure that many of you believe that we are now in the last few days in the sign of Libra, with the Sun on the way to Scorpio. This is a HeruScope Reading, which is…

New Moon is ABUNDANCE at tchiya.com!

New Moon is ABUNDANCE at tchiya.com! Welcome to the Page of the New Moon at tchiya.com Here are all of the tools in my mystical collection of manifestation Not in any particular order of importance, just as they are flowing through me from the Goddess…. New Moon Meditation Music from Llewllyn The Goddess of the Moon at HeruScopes is Sesheta. Dua Sesheta! from the Goddess Book by Dr. Muata Ashby…

Comet did not crash into the Earth, however, This Comet CRASHED Into My Life.

Comet did not crash into the Earth, however, This Comet CRASHED Into My Life. There was much talk and speculation about this comet hitting the Earth right around the time of Jade Helm, and the Blood Red Moon. Now that the quiet New Moon is slowly dancing her way into my life, I have a moment to stop and reflect on the events surrounding the Dance with the Comet. This…

HeruScopes: Bloody Red Moon Sept. 27/28, 2015

HeruScopes: Bloody Red Moon Sept. 27/28, 2015 The Final Of the Four! Here are some of my previous posts Blood Red Full Moon ECLIPSE April 15, 2014 UPDATE!!! Blood Red Full Moon: April 15, 2014 Bleeding Heart Moon 2015 Looking Ahead to the Comet, Blood Red Moon, and Jade Helm: SEPTEMBER 2015! AND NOW, HERE WE ARE AT THE LAST AND FINAL OF THE TETRAD! The Eclipse will begin at 10:11 PM…

Rising Up to Fall Equinox 2015: Falling for Autumn

Rising Up to Fall Equinox 2015: Falling for Autumn Rising Up to Fall Equinox 2015: Falling for Autumn: Music and Celestial Wisdom from Tchiya Amet Prepare for Blood Red Moon Rising Up to Fall Equinox 2015: Falling for Autumn Wednesday September 23, 4:20 am et. actually, lasts three days total, so, Sept. 22,23, and 24 Why is this season also known as Fall? Because the leaves and the fruit FALL…

Sirius Alignment: Sirius, Venus and Moon in a Triangle! Sept. 7, 2015

Good Rising. Great Awakenings! Uben Nefer. Nehast! Sirius Alignment: Sirius, Venus and Moon in a Triangle! Today’s Rising was most wonderful for me personally. I so enjoy getting up early to watch Sirius as She rises, and these past few days, have been spectacular. Here are a few photos that I took, plus some video clips from the past couple of days…. Venus to left, Sirius to the right, Moon…

Dua! Sopdu Uben Nefer & Kemetic New Year 38,781 (2015)!

Dua! Sopdu Uben Nefer & Kemetic New Year 38,781 (2015)! Good Rising and GREATEST Awakenings! With LUVIBRATIONS from HeruScopes©!!        If you are new to Sirius Rising, here is some background information to get you going with the SPIRAL DANCE!!! The Sirius Star System Sirius Rising and the Dog Days of Summer   Sirius Culmination is December 31 Sirius Culmination Viewing Guide this ritual can be observed at anytime of year…. Sirius midnight…

My Roof WAS on FIRE! Dua Tefnut: My Fire Water Story

The Roof, the Roof, My Roof WAS on FIRE! Dua Tefnut: Gratitude Fire Water Goddess My Fire Water Story   On Sunday June 28, 2015, there were two fires in Round Valley. Here is my Fire Water Story. Here is a slide show of my yard and the neighborhood  after the fire. [su_carousel source=”media: 1582,1581,1580,1579,1571,1572,1573,1574,1575,1576,1577,1578,1570,1569,1568,1567,1566,1565,1564,1563,1555,1556,1557,1558,1559,1560,1561,1562,1554,1553,1552,1551″ limit=”36″ link=”image” height=”500″ items=”1″] Ukiah Press Democrat http://www.pressdemocrat.com/news/4130825-181/fires-burn-home-other-buildings Two fires that erupted within 45 minutes…

HeruScopes©: In Tune with June New Moon

Good Rising and Great Awakenings! Uben Nefer Nehast! This post has some wisdom about how you can be HeruScopes©: In Tune with June New Moon. from astrology13.com When I look at this moment, I see the forces are evenly distributed around the Circle. That is a really good thing. At HeruScopes, we are awakened to and aware of these Cosmic Forces:: RA, Set, Sesheta, and Djehuty in Apis HetHeru in…

Looking Ahead to the Comet, Blood Red Moon, and Jade Helm: SEPTEMBER 2015!

Looking back at previous HeruScopes Blood Red Full Moon Posts: Blood Red Full Moon: April 15, 2014 Blood Red Full Moon ECLIPSE April 15, 2014 UPDATE!!! Posted on April 15, 2014 September 2014: HERUSCOPES© WAS OFFICIALLY BORN!!! Bleeding Heart Moon 2015 If you are not into conspiracy theories, then you might not enjoy this post. However, if you enjoy seeing what events might be gong on around the same time as the…

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