
Full Moon of Truth: HeruScope© for May 4, 2015

Full Moon of Truth: HeruScope© for May 4, 2015   Good Rising and Great Awakenings! UBEN NEFER, NEHAST!   I realize that most of you believe that the Moon is in Scorpio. In Reality, the Moon is in MAAT,  Libra. In fact, go outside tonight and look and see which constellation the Moon is in, and drop me an email, or give me a call, and let me know what…

Hot Water and Lemon: Daily Practice

Initiated April 24, 2015 well, re-initiated. I ran out of lemons…. I drank a cup several hours ago, and I still have that lemony feeling. 20 Reasons you should Drink Lemon Water in the Morning from living traditionally in a modern society   will have to do some research as to how an acidic fruit can raise the alkaline levels in my body….several people on facebook are interested in this…

Promote Purity of Speech with this Kemetic Reggae Devotional Chant to the Goddess Day #29

Promote Purity of Speech with this Kemetic Reggae Devotional Chant to the Goddess Day #29 of the FREE MY MUSIC GIVE AWAY!!!     The ritual of uttering the names of the goddess promotes purity of the speech. This purity was known as maakheru in Ancient Egyptian terminology. Maakheru is the primary objective of every spiritual aspirant. The names may be recited, chanted or used in song. The art of…

The Sun is Here Again! Give Away: Day 28

The Sun is Here Again! Give Away: Day 28 FREE MY MUSIC GIVE AWAY!   Just realized that since my name means Rise Again, it kinda has same meaning as this song. This is just a little piano tune. Not sure how the style would be classified. Just “Rise Again Music”! Hey, I like that! I wonder if words will come another day, or if this will remain an instrumental. …

Between Now and Eternity: Day #27 of the Music Give Away

Between Now and Eternity: Day #27 of the Music Give Away Speech by my one of my Heroes: Marcus Mosiah Garvey, put to music. Not sure what this rhythm is called. “Those that believe the race problem will be solved by higher education will walk between now and eternity and never see the problem solved.” Marcus Garvey   HERE IS THE SPEECH BY GARVEY: TRANSCRIPT OF THIS SPEECH “There is…

Grandchild of Slavery: Day #26 of the Give Away

Grandchild of Slavery: Day #26 of the Give Away This song is here to encourage the YOUTH OF ALL AGES to continue to strive for Freedom and to continue to seek Justice.   This posting gave me a bit of trouble because I was determined to have a video. well, here it is!     and here is the song for a free download. The raw songs will be recorded…

eyes 2 die 4: Day #24 of the 40 Day FREE MY MUSIC Give Away

eyes 2 die 4: Day #24 of the 40 Day FREE MY MUSIC Give Away Good Rising! Welcome to day #24!   I have not written that many love songs. I had so much to learn about love, mostly about Self Love. I wrote this song back when my marriage of 19.5 years began to actually crumble. It was so difficult, because I know we still had/have love for one…

Day #22: 40 Day Free My Music Give Away!

Good Rising and Great Awakenings! Welcome to Day 22 of the 40 DAY FREE  MY MUSIC GIVE AWAY!!!   As much as I enjoy sharing my music with you all, one of the main reasons for this give away is kinda selfish: I wanted to force myself to get back to my music. to build up that daily muscle of writing, playing and sharing my music like I did when…

Ceremony of the Red Rose: Medicine for Strength at WAYA EQUONI PEJUTA

OSIYO! GREETINGS   Rose Ceremony Medicine for Strength: WAYA EQUONI PEJUTA You Can Listen to Natural Woman Song while you read about the Ceremony of the Rose…which is song for Day #04 of the FREE MY MUSIC GIVE AWAY!!!!! you can still sign up here to receive the song each day in your inbox…. 40 DAY FREE MY MUSIC GIVE AWAY   Tuesday, April 7, 2015, Sesheta is in Maat.…


Osiyo! Good Rising! Waya Equoni Pejuta: Opening the Medicine Wheel This is the way we open the Medicine Wheel at Waya Equoni Pejuta Medicine Wheel.   We Always Give Thanks…..   Activate the Element of Fire: Candle, and if time permits, we light a fire. Activate the Element of Air: We Sage the dancing ground, the Medicine Wheel, and all participants. Activate the Element of Earth: we offer tobacco and…

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