[su_heading size=”26″ align=”left” margin=”30″]We Can Heal Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome with Sound: KemeTones[/su_heading]
This is NOT an article about what is Post Traumatic Syndrome. Nor is this an article to convince you that it exists. If you do not think that racism exists, then this article is not for you either. For that kind of information, just do a google search for anything produced or published by
Joy DeGruy | Be The Healing
(this is her website link)
This video is a perfect example of Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome. Yes, it is from SOUTH America, in Brasil. Outside of Africa, more Black People live in Brasil than anyplace else in the world. Way more than the US. People are shocked to learm that Black People in Brasil also check the little box that reads, “African American”! LOL!! They live in SOUTH America…
from clutch magazine online
The Brazilian carnival queen deemed ‘too black’Nayara Justino thought her dreams had come true when she was selected as the Globeleza carnival queen in 2013. But some in Brazil regarded her complexion to be too dark to be an acceptable queen
Posted by The Guardian on Wednesday, February 10, 2016
and this comment brings it home, hits it right out of the ball park.
Daniel Ikechuku Ebeledi “Love” is never the ONLY factor that influences a relationship especially when it comes to marriage. Remember what her relative said in the video,” all of her family are marrying white people, so in a few generations there will no longer be any black people in the family”….that’s not just a coincidence there is a psychological undertone to everything. Also google “Blanqueamiento” to have a better understanding of racial perception in Brazil. There was a “whitening” process that was once instituted a couple of centuries ago. Every generation influences the subsequent generation so the mentality still holds to this day. However, a person is only a victim of circumstances, her and her family’s partner preferences have been influenced by history.
KemeTones: Cosmic Sound Healing. This post is about a journey, my own self care and self healing. Your self care and healing, The Healing of our Family Members, our Families. Our Communities and The Healing of Our Nation. Yes, Our Black Nation specifically, because Our Black Nation IS THE HUMAN FAMILY. This post is about a response, not a definition.
KemeTones© uses Acutonics© tuning forks that are 1) tuned to the planetary frequencies based on Kepler’s calculations, and we all know that he studied in Kemet. and 2) these tuning forks are placed directly onto the body, or in the energy field, based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. Of course you already know about the African Roots of Traditional Chinese Medicine. If not, watch the Cosmic Sound healing Video series for a brief introduction….
With KemeTones, we are able to eliminate blocks: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, intergenerational, and ancestral. ELIMINATES ENERGY BLOCKS, RE-ESTABLISHES THE FLOW OF ENERGY. This is why I am confident that this healing modality can assist in healing from PTSS. The idea behind PTSS is to heal from the cause, not just patch up or even worse, cover up the symptoms. Rather than looking at each individual symptom as a disease, look at what each one of these symptoms has in common: slavery is at the root, and heal from the effects. Yes, instead of only dealing with the individual effects, deal with the one cause. Once we remove the BLOCK to the flow of the energy of our selves, and eventually Our Nation, the symptoms will also be eliminated. There are plenty of documented cases of PTSD, trauma, all of these various symptoms that we have been living with for centuries or longer, being healed with Acutonics. The next step is to apply the KemeTones protocols, that are being designed sand developed specifically for this purpose, eliminating and healing from Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome and no other,
Here are the relevant charts from this presentation. I suppose this episode is what gave me the idea to really tackle PTSS head on….as Baba Pillai says: “Live Life 200%: 100% Spiritual and 100% Physical”! This is exactly how we do it at KemeTones.
These charts were part of a research project sponsored by the Army to find relief for some of their victims, I mean soldiers. The results were fantastic, and you would think that all military bases would be equipped with acupuncturists, energy workers, and more. But that would mean they actually WANTED the killing to stop and for everyone to be at peace. We all know that this is NOT the reason for the military, but I digress.
In addition to these meridians, we will also be examining various points, chakras and meridians. I will be posting my findings, and the contributions from others, in this section of tchiya.com, as well as at the KemeTones Rekh Ab Study Group on facebook.
Here are some of the combinations and points that we will be investigating over the next several months. Even if you have not taken the classes, you can learn more about these TCM (Traditional Chinese medicine) practices by doing a google search online, or a standard book on TCM. Remember, these are AFRICAN ROOTS Teachings!
Yin Wei
Yan Wei
Step 1. REN 22 clears anger, from living someone else’s truth (or their lies!(
Step 2. Djehuty, Anpu: Opens the Gates; Solar 7th: Access Ashkaic Records LU 3 (Heavenly Residence)
Step 3. Sedna; Kidneys Yin Qiao Mai, Yang Qiao Mai. Yang Wei; UB 62-SI 3
Step 4
Step 5. Three Treasures
Step 6. Anger, stress, mindfulness: Use Zodiac Ohm Octave; Chong, Yin Wei
Step 7. Independence: Heru; Mothers with baggage: Dai Mai Belt
Step 8. Willingness to do together, no matter what: LIVER; Selfless Service: Block Clearing
Step 9. Inner Strength
Step 10. Solar: Alcoholism and drug abuse; letting go of addictions; Hospice
This is just the very beginning of this investigation. These suggestions were compiled at the very first KemeTones Certification, January 2016. What must be done next is research to see how these protocols affect the lives of the patients, and ultimately, the Diaspora.
You can start working on yourself and your loved ones, even if you have yet to acquire your own tuning forks. You can use acupressure! Same principles apply. You can download your own charts online. When you are ready to join us, the KemeTones practitioners, you can attend the trainings certifications or retreats and become a certified KemeTones Practitioner. Or, simply purchase a Self Care Kit. Contact Tchiya by clicking on the blue button to the lower right corner of every page at this website.
I have been gathering information on PTSD, and developing protocols for PTSS that are based on Dr. Joy’s work, as well as my own observations and experiences. The KemeTones initiates, practitioners, students and myself are working together to develop solutions to this problem waiting to be solved. I am planning on conducting KEMETONES WELLNESS TOURS AND HEALING CONCERTS to conduct my research and fulfill my healing mission. Perhaps coming to YOUR neighborhood soon. The very first tour is scheduled for March 4-13, 2016, in Jamaica. Stay tuned for more information
This work can be done on yourself, your family members, by your self, with no additional training. You can purchase a Self Care Kit. CONTACT TCHIYA AT KEMETONES TO PURCHASE SELF CARE KIT. cosmic at tchiya.com.
Or, you can receive your own one-on-one sessions by a certified KemeTones Practitioner, I also offer family packages. You can attend workshops, you can participate in the webinars, or, you can become certified yourself, and help us with this great work. I invite you to schedule a Cosmic Navigation Strategy Session, so that we can determine what is the next step for you and your loved ones. Click on the blue button at the lower right corner of this page.
Tchiya Amet El Maat
Peace sis. What a beautiful work. I am looking forward to learning more.
Dua! Thank you for taking the time to visit the page, and for reaching out! Please join the mailing list. Looking forward to seeing you on the upcoming webinars. Hotep!
Peace sis. What a beautiful work. I am looking forward to learning more.
Dua! Thank you for taking the time to visit the page, and for reaching out! Please join the mailing list. Looking forward to seeing you on the upcoming webinars. Hotep!