Los Cuatro Acuerdos (Four Agreements) Day #34

Los Cuatro Acuerdos (Four Agreements)
Day #34 of the Give Away


The Four Agreements come from Ancient Toltec Wisdom, that has been presented to us through don MIguel Ruiz.


I had the great fpotune of attending a “Beyond Fear” Retreat with don Miguel in 2006. He said it would be good if I were to write a song about the 4 Agreements. It took me awhile, but here it is, well, the chorus anyway. Still working on the verses…) I decided to write in Spanish, as it sounds corny in English…wonder how it sounds in Spanish!

1. Se Impecable con tu palabras (Be impeccable with your words)

2. No hagas suspiciones (Don’t make assumptions)

3. Haz siempre lo maximo que puedas  (Always do your best)

4. No te tomes nada como algo personal  (Don’t take things personal)




Thee is soooo much info about the Four Agreements! I will post a few starters here….


Lets begin with don Miguel Ruiz

four agreements words




Toltec Spirit, based on the Four Agreements



Here is a Spanish Lesson about Los Cuatro Acuerdos.


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